Star Citizen Commodities Info, Prices, Inventory, Stock, SCU, Load Simulation, Availability

Star Citizen 4.0.1

New Babbage, Feb 13, 2955 — Welcome to UEX



Supply Locations — Last 15 Days

Location Region SCU Inventory UEC CS
Name Orbit System Faction Last Users Avg Min Max Average Last Users Avg Min Max SCU
Shepherd's Rest Bloom Pyro BLO PY CitPro 360 53 360 360 360 7 5213 5212 5213 5213 5213 1-8 7d
The Golden Riviera Bloom Pyro BLO PY Headhunters 170 128 170 169 170 7 5530 5519 5525 5520 5530 1-8 9h
Terra Mills Crusader Stanton CRU ST UEE 264 160 457 264 486 5 6202 5626 5705 5626 6202 1-8 2d
Rayari Kaltag MicroTech Stanton MIC ST UEE 486 274 486 486 486 7 5762 5762 5762 5762 5762 1-8 12d
Rayari Anvik MicroTech Stanton MIC ST UEE 345 136 383 318 486 5 5779 5761 5796 5762 5847 1-8 4d
Endgame Endgame Pyro ENDGAME PY R&R 180 147 180 180 180 7 5809 5823 5895 5809 6000 1-8 10d
Gaslight Gaslight Pyro GASLIGHT PY R&R 180 98 150 81 180 7 5986 5990 5990 5809 6133 1-8 5d
Deakins Research Crusader Stanton CRU ST UEE 80 63 28 80 7 6042 6121 6042 6280 1-8 3d
8 location(s) Averages 258 142 281 236 304 7 5790 5.7K 5751 5693 5871

Averages in the last 15 days
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