Star Citizen Commodities Info, Prices, Inventory, Stock, SCU, Load Simulation, Availability

Star Citizen 4.0.1

New Babbage, Feb 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX



Supply Locations — Last 15 Days

Location Region SCU Inventory UEC CS
Name Orbit System Faction Last Users Avg Min Max Average Last Users Avg Min Max SCU
Rod's Fuel 'N Supplies Rod's Fuel & Supplies Pyro RODS PY CitPro 600 346 359 4 600 7 1750 1825 1801 1750 1905 1-32 1d
Shubin SAL-5 ArcCorp Stanton ARC ST UEE 200 200 200 200 7 2027 2027 2027 2027 1-8 6d
Terra Gateway Terra Jump Point Stanton TERRA ST UEE 4.0K 508 4.0K 4.0K 4.0K 7 2177 2163 2146 2138 2177 1-32 8d
Baijini Point ArcCorp Stanton ARC ST UEE 4.4K 107 4.9K 4.4K 5.0K 6 2197 2198 2197 2197 2200 1-32 15h
Bueno Ravine Bloom Pyro BLO PY CitPro 400 400 400 400 7 2241 2241 2241 2241 1-16 4d
Pyro Gateway Pyro Jump Point Stanton PYRO ST UEE 90.0K 977 90.0K 89.8K 90.0K 7 2272 2272 2272 2272 2272 1-32 1d
Stanton Gateway Stanton Gateway Pyro STGATE PY UEE 90.0K 300 90.0K 90.0K 90.0K 7 2272 2272 2272 2272 2272 1-32 14h
7 location(s) Averages 27.1K 448 27.1K 27.0K 27.2K 7 2134 2.1K 2137 2128 2156

Averages in the last 15 days
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