Introduction: Are you looking for a skilled and experienced pilot for your most perilous missions? Look no further! With years of piloting experience, I am ready to offer my skills to players and organizations. Skills and Experience: Mastery of vari...

Star Citizen 4.0.1

New Babbage, Feb 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


Mercenary Ship Pilot Available for Missions WTS SERVICE



100K UEC per mission

Sold by Kidibule (1)


1 deal

Online 4 months ago

Updated 24 days ago

Are you looking for a skilled and experienced pilot for your most perilous missions? Look no further! With years of piloting experience, I am ready to offer my skills to players and organizations.

Skills and Experience:

Mastery of various types of ships, from light fighters to heavy cruisers.
Excellent skills in interstellar navigation and space fight.
Experience in various missions: escort, reconnaissance, dogfight.
Ability to quickly adapt to unexpected situations and perform complex maneuvers under pressure.

Services Offered:

Escort missions to protect your convoys and ships.
Reconnaissance missions to explore new territories and gather strategic information.
Participation in space combats to defend your interests.
Assistance in resource extraction missions in dangerous areas.

To ensure transparency and flexibility, my rates start at 100,000 AUEC per mission but can vary based on specific requests and are negotiable, especially for regular clients.

Commitment and Reliability:
The safety and success of your operations are my priorities. I am committed to executing each mission with professionalism and discretion, following the directives of my employer.

Available for missions starting from 19:00 (Belgium time) / 17:00 UTC onwards. I am flexible and can adjust to fit your scheduling needs.

To discuss your needs and get a personalized quote, please contact me via private Discord message: kidibule

Reference: 288

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