Welcome to Zaibatsu Corporation. We work for our money and do what we can do best. No matter if it's Salvaging, Mining, Trading, Rentals, Towing or Transporting you or your goods! You are welcome into our Corporation. Prices for different Services are ...

Star Citizen 4.0.1

New Babbage, Feb 13, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


Zaibatsu Corp. WTS SERVICE



1 UEC per mission

9999 remaining

Sold by Shireen


Updated 1 month ago

Welcome to Zaibatsu Corporation. We work for our money and do what we can do best. No matter if it's Salvaging, Mining, Trading, Rentals, Towing or Transporting you or your goods!

You are welcome into our Corporation.

Prices for different Services are Neogiable and usually take a certain % depending on the job and effort.

Reference: 703

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