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New Babbage, Saturday, July 27, 2954

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UEX Announces Transition from UNIEXPRESS to UEXCORP on RSI

May 14, 2024 by UEX (revised May 14, 2024)

New Babbage, May 14th, 2954 – UEX Announces Transition from UNIEXPRESS to UEXCORP on RSI

Aiming to streamline our online presence, UEX annonces the transition from our old organization page, UNIEXPRESS, to the new UEXCORP page on RSI. This transition marks a pivotal moment in our organization's digital evolution, consolidating our brand under a unified platform.

We extend a warm invitation to all members of the former UNIEXPRESS organization who wish to continue their journey with UEX on RSI. Please take a moment to join us by visiting our new organization page.

For more information on this transition, please contact our support team.

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