By Traders, For Traders

About UEX

UEX Tower, New Babbage UEX Ships UEX Ships UEX Ships UEX Ships

Welcome to UEX

United Express Corporation* or UEX is an interstellar trade and mining corporation, founded in 2947, headquartered in New Babbage, Stanton system and with offices in Area 18. Today, UEX is a benchmark in prices for Star Citizen players in the 'verse.

Our prices

Commodity prices vary daily. To help bring the most accurate values, UEX has its team of Data Runners, highly trained professionals who travel the universe to provide the most accurate prices. In addition, UEX counts on the participation of the users of this website. The more people use our tool, the more accurate the prices become.

Official UEX Datarunners

Photo of Snowmind


United Kingdom


UEX Official Partners

Welcome to UEX!

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  • We also collect your trade or refining information such as commodities traded, locations visited, prices, SCU and other data to help update our prices database as well as to build our public reports. We don't collect any personal data.
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