Latest UEX release notes updates

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New Babbage, Sep 16, 2954

Release Notes

Sep 15, 2954

About Commodities Averages: As many of you know, UEX calculates prices, supply, demand, and other data from datarunner reports, and more recently, from user trades via the Trade Log. However, new patches often introduce significant price changes that can distort our averages and recommendations. Additionally, fluctuations in datarunner activity may affect the accuracy of these suggestions.

To address these challenges, we initially reduced the averaging period from 30 days to 7 days. While this improved accuracy in some cases, it also led to certain commodities being incorrectly classified as less favorable. After further refinement, we've now standardized the averaging period at 15 days.

For the Commodities Recommendations table—an essential tool for many traders—recommendations will be temporarily hidden following a new patch until 15 days of data has been accumulated. This ensures the information is accurate and dependable.
(This table has been replaced by the new Average Index tab, which will indicate when data is undergoing updates after patches.)

Please note, our website is continually evolving. We are committed to improving the data we present, incorporating feedback, and maintaining UEX’s utility for all traders as the game itself develops. For those who trade with precision, our tools like Monitor and History (datarunners only) provide direct access to the raw data used for averages and charts. We appreciate your continued support and understanding.

Other updates:

Commodities > Market Overview: A new "Most Traded Commodities" chart has been added, sourcing data from Trade Log users.
Commodities > Average Index: Replacing the previous "Supply and Demand" and "Pricing" tabs, the Average Index consolidates the same information in a streamlined way. It also replaces the old "Commodities Recommendations" table.

Commodities > CAX Score: Algorithms have been updated, with increased weighting on user data from the Trade Log to improve the accuracy of commodity score rankings. This ensures the scores better reflect in-game conditions, providing more reliable information for decision-making. (Work in progress.)

Data > Monitor: Price and SCU volatility metrics have been added, based on historical data. Lower volatility indicates more stable conditions, which are generally preferable. These metrics will be expanded into additional data layers over time.

API > commodities_prices | commodities_averages: New columns added: volatility_price_buy, volatility_price_sell, volatility_scu_buy, and volatility_scu_sell. The older volatility_buy and volatility_sell columns will be deprecated in the next API version.

Data > Submit: Input fields now display formatted prices based on the user’s language settings (default: en-US). (Thanks for the suggestion, @Xerwon!)

Safe travels!

Updated Sep 15, 2954 @ 20:12

Sep 14, 2954

- Commodities: Temporarily reducing the average pricing period from 30 to 7 days to improve accuracy for versions 3.24 and 3.24.1.
- Commodities > Info: Displaying the average period on relevant pages for greater transparency.
- Commodities > Info: Fixed an issue where clicking on price links highlighted the SCU column instead of the prices.
- Commodities > Info: Clicking on certain charts will now redirect users to the History tool (Datarunners only).
- Data > History: Improved the filter layout for better readability.
- Data > Reports: Fixed an issue where some reports incorrectly displayed a warning stating that there were no previous reports for an item at a location.

As we're developing the website alongside the game and adjusting to its ongoing changes, especially during patch transitions, there may be occasional delays in updating prices. Depending on the volume of reports, it may take a few days to provide more accurate data. We appreciate your understanding as we fine-tune the system to ensure the information remains reliable and helps you make informed trading decisions.

Updated Sep 14, 2954 @ 20:47

Sep 13, 2954

- Trade > Inventories: Fixed bug preventing custom storage deletion.
- Trade > Inventories: "Add to storage" button now works with custom locations.
- Trade > Wallet: Fixed x-axis legend display issue.
- Trade > Statistics: Rearranged charts for better visualization with large datasets.
- Commodities > Info: Fixed 30-day average price display issue affecting profit margin accuracy. Thanks to Aazatgrabya for the help.

Sep 12, 2954

- Trade > Inventories: Users can now assign custom location names when adding items to inventories. Special thanks to TattooLucifer for the suggestion.
- Data > Ore Sales: Fixed an issue that incorrectly flagged reports as "First time reported."
- Data > Ore Sales > Submit: Resolved an issue that caused certain commodities to be missing from the list at specific locations.
- Data > Info: Fixed a bug where the "Consolidate" activity date and time were incorrectly linked to the report date instead of the actual event time. Note: This fix will not retroactively update previously affected dates.

Updated Sep 12, 2954 @ 18:04

Sep 11, 2954

- Home > Introduced the new "Estimate Sell Price" tool for fast income estimation. The base price is determined by the highest average available in the database.
- UI: Backgrounds are automatically removed for users with Performance Mode enabled.
- Datacenter > Submit: Resolved an issue that caused some commodities to not appear in the dropdown list (button: 'Add commodities not found in the list above').

Updated Sep 11, 2954 @ 22:52

Sep 10, 2954

- Marketplace > Listing Info: Fixed an issue with the review counter displaying incorrect values.

Sep 9, 2954

- Marketplace > Manage: Updated the Pageviews chart to accurately display the number of pageviews, now distinguishing between logged-in and non-logged-in users.
- Marketplace > Info Page: The deals counter has been adjusted to show the total number of deals per item or service, rather than per user.
- Workarounds: Applied minor bug fixes.
- Datacenter > Submit: Resolved an issue where the text cursor would jump to the price column instead of the SCU column when ticking the "same price" checkbox.
- UI: Fixed a bug where the main menu required double-tapping to display the sub-menu on mobile screens.

Sep 7, 2954

- Resources: Introduced a new "Workarounds" tool to index quick tips for the most common Star Citizen bugs. It's a crowdsourced tool, allowing Datarunners to contribute suggestions and help the community.
- Datacenter: Added "Workaround" as a new report type.
- Various bug fixes and minor improvements.

Updated Sep 10, 2954 @ 13:14

Sep 6, 2954

- Commodities: Fixed a critical bug that caused average values of commodities to be miscalculated, leading to significant distortions.
- Core: All charts across the website are now fully responsive, resolving previous issues where they were blocking the layout.
- Data > History: Improved query results from the Commodities page to highlight key columns for better clarity.
- Items > Info: Fixed an issue where the 'last update' date was displayed incorrectly.
- API 2.0 > data_extract: Added support for passing 'game_version' and 'game_version_ptu' values.
- API 2.0: Fixed an issue where some non-200 HTTP responses were not sent with the 'application/json' content type.
- API 2.0 > data_submit: Resolved an issue that was incorrectly triggering a 400 error and returning the status 'ptu_reports_not_allowed' for 3.24 reports. This may have caused disruptions for applications using the data_submit endpoint. Apologias for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your continued patience and support.

Updated Sep 6, 2954 @ 21:20

Sep 5, 2954

- Datacenter: UEX will now automatically generate reports using data from user trades. Users who prefer not to share their trade routes can disable this feature in Account > Privacy settings.
- Core: Resolved an issue with the main menu that caused problems on touch screens.
- User Profiles: Introduced Marketplace reviews to provide better transparency between sellers and buyers.
- Marketplace > Info Page: Updated the review counter to accurately reflect the number of written reviews. We encourage both buyers and sellers to conduct their transactions within UEX to help us track any issues, and to close negotiations promptly to improve both parties' rankings!

Updated Sep 5, 2954 @ 20:31

This website uses third-party cookies for stats, no personal data. We use cookies for preferences (dark mode, trading, mining) and collects trade/refining info (commodities, locations) for public reports. No personal data is collected.