Details about the user Quaternion

Star Citizen 4.0.1

New Babbage, Feb 13, 2955 — Welcome to UEX

About Quaternion Datarunner


Country United States, Earth, Sol
Member Since Nov 14, 2954 (3 months ago)
Timezone America/Los_Angeles22:03
Registry UEX-USE-2954000009789

Datarunner Activity

Crew Profile


Datarunner Salvager




Chinese English

Gaming Archetypes

Explorer Support

"C1 Spirit"



Sub Fortune

"Andromeda Sub"

RSI Constellation Andromeda

"Cutlass Sub"

Drake Cutlass Black


RSI Aurora MR

I'm salty that this ship is so garbage. Starter ships should be good, and there should be at least some ships that are just awful... like Jalopy!

"Taurus Sub"

RSI Constellation Taurus

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