Details about the user chaff-flare

Welcome to UEX

New Babbage, Sep 8, 2954

About chaff-flare


Bio Medivac Specialist, Datarunner and Scientific Research under every star.
Country Australia, Earth, Sol
Client Since Jul 17, 2954 (2 months ago)
Timezone Australia/Brisbane14:43

Crew Profile


Datarunner Escort Explorer Medic Mercenary Private Pilot Racer Roleplay Scientist


Weekdays Weekends Afternoon Evening



Gaming Archetypes

Artist Explorer Strategist Support

Fan Fish

MISC Reliant Kore

Originally bought to replace the Foresight, it turned into a multi-purpose ship used for gunrunning, cargo transport and head-on dog fighting. This ship is still in use today, all though rarely.


C.O. Mustang Alpha

The Foresight was a front running scout ship, cable of close range combat support and small arms laser runs. After facing incredulous damage while supporting a ship during a drug run it was retired as a minor scout ship.


Drake Vulture

A suspicious craft seen bouncing around the hopes and dreams station, hunting down C2 Hercules crash sights with the company of an Andromeda and another Vulture. Not much is known about its status.


Aegis Vanguard Warden

Once a lowly transport jet gone big in the mercinary scene, is now used as an highly accurate VTOL craft that acts as stationary gun support while providing gun runs and wounded transport. This ship is still active.


Mirai Fury LX

A small form racing craft that awaits its use in the trials. as of now is a face paced, low ER, scouting ship that is practically invisible to most radar technology.


Anvil C8R Pisces

Oh brother


Drake Dragonfly Yellowjacket

A small scouting bike that has yet to se use.

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