Details about the user schmeeda

About schmeeda


Bio If you need to reach me, please feel free to DM me through the official UEX discord (Schmeeda, @schmeedainc). I'm always up for negotiating prices. I try to check UEX often, but discord is still the best way to reach me.
Country Israel, Earth, Sol
Client Since May 12, 2954 (5 months ago)

Crew Profile


Escort Engineer Gunner Hauler Mercenary Miner Pirate Refiner Salvager Trader



Gaming Archetypes

Engineer Explorer Outlaw Strategist



"Vanguard Sentinel"

"C8R Pisces"




"C2 Hercules Starlifter"


"Cutlass Blue"








"Scorpius Antares"

"Ursa Medivac"

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