Details about the user tattoo lucifer

Welcome to UEX

New Babbage, Sep 18, 2954

About tattoo lucifer Supporter Datarunner


Bio There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal. There is no strength in flesh, only weakness. There is no constancy in flesh, only decay. There is no certainty in flesh but death. — Credo Omnissiah
Country Netherlands, Earth, Sol
Member Since Mar 26, 2954 (6 months ago)
Timezone Europe/Amsterdam02:54
Registry UEX-USE-2954000000069

Crew Profile


Explorer Hauler Medic Miner Refiner Refueler Repair Salvager Towing Trader Transit


Weekdays Weekends Afternoon Evening


Dutch English

Gaming Archetypes

Engineer Explorer Lover Protector Strategist Support

Datarunner Activity

"Dragonfly Black"

"P-52 Merlin"


"Hull C"


Crusader C2 Hercules Starlifter

"cargo tractor"

Argo MPUV-1T


Drake Caterpillar

"loaner red"

Drake Cutlass Red


RSI Apollo Medivac


Ursa Medivac


Aegis Reclaimer


Drake Vulture

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