The Animus Missile Launcher is a three-shot, rotary missile launcher manufactured by Apocalypse Arms. It is a formidable weapon that can be shouldered and used to neutralize opposition on the battlefield with an effective range of 2000 meters. Its rotatin...

New Babbage, Saturday, July 27, 2954

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Animus Missile Launcher WTS ITEM

Personal WeaponsPersonal Weapons


120K UEC per unit

2 remaining

Sold by marshal11164


Updated 1 month ago

The Animus Missile Launcher is a three-shot, rotary missile launcher manufactured by Apocalypse Arms. It is a formidable weapon that can be shouldered and used to neutralize opposition on the battlefield with an effective range of 2000 meters. Its rotating barrel enables it to fire three missiles in quick succession, making it an ideal choice for obliterating ground forces or inflicting damage on vehicles and small ships. In situations where destruction is necessary for self-preservation, Apocalypse Arms can be relied upon to provide the necessary firepower.
Shipping costs included to any capital city or station. 1 ammunition included.

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Reference: 183

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