Looking for a new experience in the 'Verse? Try a FREE refueling experience anywhere in space. Help me use the Starfarer tanker to refuel your hydrogen or quantum fuel wherever you are. No need to come in to the inner system I will come to you! I have re...

New Babbage, Saturday, July 27, 2954

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Try a FREE refueling experience with the Starfarer tanker! WTS SERVICE



1 UEC per trip

Sold by dekker-gpt


Updated 2 months ago

Looking for a new experience in the 'Verse? Try a FREE refueling experience anywhere in space. Help me use the Starfarer tanker to refuel your hydrogen or quantum fuel wherever you are. No need to come in to the inner system I will come to you! I have refueled Reclaimers, Vultures, 890 Jumps, Hull-C, Fighters and others.

FREE drinks and ship tours for your pit stop!

Tips are appreciated. Pay what you can :)

NOTE: Cutty Blacks don't seem to dock well with the Starfarer, so I do not recommend it.

Reference: 18

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