Details about the user Wellmeg7BR

Star Citizen 4.0.1

New Babbage, Feb 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX

About Wellmeg7BR Official UEX Datarunner


Bio Datarunner is a professional specialized in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data to provide valuable insights for companies and organizations and make people's lives better!
Country Brazil, Earth, Sol
Member Since Jan 2, 2954 (1 year ago)
Timezone America/Sao_Paulo07:16
Registry UEX-USE-2954000000009

Datarunner Activity

Crew Profile


Datarunner Explorer Hauler Medic Miner Refiner Repair Roleplay Salvager Scanner Scientist Towing Trader Transit


Weekdays Weekends Evening



Gaming Archetypes

Engineer Explorer Lover Novice Protector Strategist Support

"Delivery Man"

Drake Cutter

In the darkest the dense day... remember your delivery is safe and on the way....!!

"Guardian of Cleanup"

Drake Vulture

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