Markanda Undersuit Deadwood (Refurbished) is a product in the 'Undersuits' category, manufactured by Pyrotechnic Amalgamated and being sold for 425 UEC in average

Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX

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Markanda Undersuit Deadwood (Refurbished) (3962)

Undersuits » Undersuits

Best Buy Price

12 UEC

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Game Version


Location Orbit Buy Price Sell Price Durability Availability Version Updated Datarunner
Guns Rod's Fuel Rod's Fuel, PY (Pyro) 420 4.0.1 25d Wellmeg7BR
Guns Starlight Starlight, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.2 6d screwymosquito0
Gear Up Patch City Patch City, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.1 20d Wellmeg7BR
Guns Megumi Megumi, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.2 3d TheCeph
Guns Endgame Endgame, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.1 1mo LaoPak
Guns Orbituary Bloom, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.2 14d PLAYDAGAMES
Guns Gaslight Gaslight, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.2 8d PLAYDAGAMES
Guns Rat's Nest Rat's Nest, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.2 14d PLAYDAGAMES
Guns Ruin Terminus, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.2 10d PLAYDAGAMES
Guns Dudley Dudley, PY (Pyro) 425 4.0.1 1mo Drassak
Shop Narena's Rest Bloom, PY (Pyro) 735 4.0.2 27d PLAYDAGAMES
Shop Prophet's Peak Pyro V, PY (Pyro) 735 4.0.2 14d PLAYDAGAMES
Shop Shepard's Bloom, PY (Pyro) 735 4.0.2 27d PLAYDAGAMES
13 locations Average 496 UEC

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