FL-33 Cannon is a product in the 'Guns' category, manufactured by Kroneg and being sold for 79,100 UEC in average

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Item Type

Ballistic Gatling

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FL-33 Cannon (887)

Vehicle Weapons » Guns

Best Buy Price

79,100 UEC

Best Sell Price


Last Update


Game Version


Location Orbit Buy Price Sell Price Durability Availability Version Updated Datarunner
Ship Weapons Baijini ArcCorp, ST (Stanton) 79,100 4.1 23h Hurric4ne
Ship Weapons HURL4 HUR-L4, ST (Stanton) 79,100 4.0.2 14d Thorne
Ship Weapons HURL5 HUR-L5, ST (Stanton) 79,100 4.1 23h Hurric4ne
Ship Weapons Seraphim Crusader, ST (Stanton) 79,100 4.1 23h Hurric4ne
Ship Parts Checkmate Checkmate, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 28d PLAYDAGAMES
Ship Parts Orbituary Bloom, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0 4mo PLAYDAGAMES
Ship Parts Starlight Starlight, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 20d screwymosquito0
Ship Parts Patch City Patch City, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 6d PLAYDAGAMES
Ship Parts Megumi Megumi, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.1 1mo Zarra_OG
Ship Parts Endgame PYR6-L3, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 14d PLAYDAGAMES
Ship Parts Rod's Fuel Rod's Fuel, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 13d PLAYDAGAMES
Ship Parts Orbituary Bloom, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 28d PLAYDAGAMES
Ship Parts Gaslight Gaslight, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 22d PLAYDAGAMES
Ship Parts Rat's Nest Rat's Nest, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 28d PLAYDAGAMES
Ship Parts Ruin Terminus, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.1 1mo Wellmeg7BR
Ship Parts Dudley Dudley, PY (Pyro) 79,100 4.0.2 8d PLAYDAGAMES
16 locations Average 79,100 UEC

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