S71 "Murray Cup Racing" Rifle is a product in the 'Personal Weapons' category

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S71 "Murray Cup Racing" Rifle (4376)

Personal Weapons » Personal Weapons


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A03 'Canuto' Sniper Rifle
A03 'Lodestone' Sniper Rifle
A03 'Red Alert' Sniper Rifle
A03 'Wildwood' Sniper Rifle
A03 Sniper Rifle
APX Fire Extinguisher
Animus Missile Launcher
Arclight 'Boneyard' Pistol 764 UEC
Arclight 'Desert Shadow' Pistol 800 UEC
Arclight 'Executive Edition' Pistol
Arclight 'Glimmer' Pistol
Arclight 'Herrero' Pistol
Arclight 'Midnight' Pistol 1,081 UEC
Arclight 'Nightstalker' Pistol 696 UEC
Arclight 'Stormfall' Pistol 816 UEC
Arclight 'Warhawk' Pistol 1,096 UEC
Arclight Pistol 800 UEC
Arrowhead 'Boneyard' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead 'Desert' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead 'Executive' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead 'Lamplighter' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead 'Midnight' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead 'Nightstalker' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead 'Pathfinder' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead 'Stormfall' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead 'Voyager' Sniper Rifle
Arrowhead Sniper Rifle
Atzkav 'Deadeye' Sniper Rifle
Atzkav 'Igniter' Sniper Rifle
Atzkav 'Venom' Sniper Rifle
Atzkav Sniper Rifle 8,796 UEC
BR-2 Shotgun 4,700 UEC
C54 'Luckbringer' SMG
C54 'Luminalia' SMG
C54 'Starchaser' SMG
C54 SMG 2,622 UEC
Cambio SRT 1,120 UEC
Coda 'Ascension' Pistol
Coda 'Nighthawk' Pistol
Coda Pistol 940 UEC
Custodian 'Boneyard' SMG 2,330 UEC
Custodian 'Brimstone' SMG
Custodian 'CitizenCon 2947' SMG
Custodian 'Desert Shadow' SMG 2,419 UEC
Custodian 'Executive Edition'
Custodian 'Midnight' SMG 2,268 UEC
Custodian 'Nightstalker' SMG 2,812 UEC
Custodian 'Warhawk' SMG 2,852 UEC
Custodian SMG 2,330 UEC
Cyan QuikFlarePro
Deadrig Shotgun
Demeco 'Red Alert' LMG
Demeco 'Ultraviolet' LMG
Demeco LMG 6,715 UEC
Demon Fang Combat Knife
Devastator 'Boneyard' Shotgun 3,975 UEC
Devastator 'Brimstone' Shotgun
Devastator 'Desert Shadow' Shotgun 4,210 UEC
Devastator 'Executive Edition' Shotgun
Devastator 'Midnight' Shotgun 4,621 UEC
Devastator 'Nightstalker' Shotgun 4,023 UEC
Devastator 'Pathfinder' Shotgun
Devastator 'Starchaser' Shotgun
Devastator 'Voyager' Shotgun
Devastator 'Warhawk' Shotgun 3,911 UEC
Devastator 'Whirlwind' Shotgun
Devastator Shotgun 3,975 UEC
F55 'Alpine Sunset' LMG
F55 'Starchaser' LMG
F55 Valor LMG
FS-9 'Evergreen' LMG
FS-9 'Finish Line' LMG
FS-9 'Stoneface' LMG
FS-9 LMG 6,772 UEC
FSK-8 'Bloodline' Combat Knife
FSK-8 'Ghost' Combat Knife
FSK-8 'Mirage' Combat Knife
FSK-8 Combat Knife 1,200 UEC
Fallout Knife
GP-33 MOD 'Ashfall' Grenade Launcher
GP-33 MOD 'Copperhead' Grenade Launcher
GP-33 MOD 'Thunderclap' Grenade Launcher
GP-33 MOD 'Umber' Grenade Launcher
GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher
Gallant 'Boneyard' Rifle 4,391 UEC
Gallant 'Desert Shadow' Rifle 4,286 UEC
Gallant 'Midnight' Rifle 4,286 UEC
Gallant 'Nightstalker' Rifle 4,402 UEC
Gallant 'Red Alert' Assault Rifle
Gallant 'Stormfall' Rifle 4,402 UEC
Gallant 'Warhawk' Rifle 4,699 UEC
Gallant Rifle 4,444 UEC
Green QuikFlarePro
Karna 'Alpine Sunset' Rifle
Karna 'Ascension' Rifle
Karna 'Fate' Rifle
Karna Rifle 3,921 UEC
Karna Valor Rifle
LH86 "Takahashi Racing" Pistol
LH86 'Boneyard' Pistol 805 UEC
LH86 'Desert Shadow' Pistol 683 UEC
LH86 'Luckbringer' Pistol
LH86 'Nightstalker' Pistol 683 UEC
LH86 'Pathfinder' Pistol
LH86 'Permafrost' Pistol
LH86 'Stormfall' Pistol 683 UEC
LH86 'Voyager' Pistol
LH86 'Warhawk' Pistol 805 UEC
LH86 Pistol 683 UEC
Lumin V 'Valor' SMG
Lumin V SMG 2,590 UEC
Luminalia Light Stick
MK-4 Frag Grenade 87 UEC
MaxLift Tractor Beam 19,000 UEC
Myondo Knife
Myuda Knife
Njakte Knife
Orange QuikFlarePro
P4-AR 'Boneyard' Rifle 4,628 UEC
P4-AR 'Desert Shadow' Rifle 4,450 UEC
P4-AR 'Nightstalker' Rifle 4,450 UEC
P4-AR 'Warhawk' Rifle 4,559 UEC
P4-AR Rifle 4,040 UEC
P6-LR 'Archangel' Sniper Rifle
P6-LR 'Rime' Sniper Rifle
P6-LR Sniper Rifle
P8-AR 'Blackguard' Rifle
P8-AR Assault Rifle
P8-ARC Rifle
P8-SC 'Boneyard' SMG 2,819 UEC
P8-SC 'Desert Shadow' SMG 2,936 UEC
P8-SC 'Midnight' SMG 2,923 UEC
P8-SC 'Nightstalker' SMG 2,936 UEC
P8-SC 'Red Alert' SMG
P8-SC 'Stormfall' SMG 2,819 UEC
P8-SC 'Warhawk' SMG 3,033 UEC
P8-SC SMG 2,696 UEC
Pambada Knife
ParaMed Medical Device 1,200 UEC
Paramed 'Oxide' Medical Device
Paramed 'Venule' Medical Device
Paramed 'Xanthic' Medical Device
Pink QuikFlare 23 UEC
Prison Shiv 800 UEC
Pyro RYT 'Black Cherry' Multi-Tool
Pyro RYT 'Bloodline' Multi-Tool
Pyro RYT 'Ghost' Multi-Tool
Pyro RYT 'Harvester' Multi-Tool
Pyro RYT 'Mirage' Multi-Tool
Pyro RYT 'Quicksilver' Multi-Tool
Pyro RYT Multi-Tool 413 UEC
R97 Shotgun 4,217 UEC
Ravager-212 "Outcast" Twin Shotgun
Ravager-212 'Bright Star' Twin Shotgun
Ravager-212 'Red Alert' Shotgun
Ravager-212 Twin Shotgun 3,725 UEC
Red QuikFlarePro
Ripper SMG
S-38 'One Empire' Pistol
S-38 Pistol 818 UEC
S71 "Murray Cup Racing" Rifle
S71 'Ascension' Rifle
S71 'Bullseye' Rifle
S71 Rifle
Salvo Esteban Frag Pistol
Salvo Frag Pistol
Salvo Saeed Frag Pistol
Sawtooth 'Bloodstone' Combat Knife
Sawtooth 'Sirocco' Combat Knife
Sawtooth 'Squall' Combat Knife
Sawtooth 'Sunspike' Combat Knife
Sawtooth Combat Knife
Scalpel 'Permafrost' Sniper Rifle
Scalpel Sniper Rifle 8,463 UEC
Scourge 'Desert Shadow' Railgun
Scourge 'Nightstalker' Railgun
Scourge Railgun
Sizi Knife
TBF-4 'Balefire' Combat Knife
TBF-4 'Sunspike' Combat Knife
Takuetsu 'Armin Trask' Replica Figure - Imperator
WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol
WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol Blue
WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol Orange
WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol Red
WowBlast Desperado Toy Pistol Teal
Yellow QuikFlarePro
Yubarev 'Deadeye' Pistol
Yubarev 'Igniter' Pistol
Yubarev 'Venom' Pistol
Yubarev Pistol 766 UEC
Zogo Knife
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