This is the helmet from BennyHenge,. This was one of the earliest Eastereggs in Star Citizen. A hidden location where events awarded anyone who discovered it a permanent in-game helmet or mask. Back in the day, it was also part of a multi-stage mission ...

Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 17, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


A Easter Egg Helmet(rarest) WTS ITEM



1M UEC per box

Sold by leerico (10)


10 deals

Added 21 days ago

This is the helmet from BennyHenge,.
This was one of the earliest Eastereggs in Star Citizen. A hidden location where events awarded anyone who discovered it a permanent in-game helmet or mask. Back in the day, it was also part of a multi-stage mission to uncover the story behind the theft of Big Bennys vending machines.

In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.

Reference: 1122

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