Size: 5 null Item Type: Laser Repeater CF-557 Galdereen Repeater Stored: Stanton Gateway Story: In the vast, unpredictable regions of the Pyro system, I am a scrap collector. One day, while rummaging through the remains of an old freighter, I discovered ...
Story: In the vast, unpredictable regions of the Pyro system, I am a scrap collector. One day, while rummaging through the remains of an old freighter, I discovered four CF-557 Galdeeren repeaters lying among the wreckage. They were a little dusty, but I could immediately recognize the quality of the weapons. I picked them up carefully and looked at them, imagining how many battles they must have seen. With a smile of satisfaction, I loaded the weapons into my tractor beam and set off for home. The journey was quiet, and I enjoyed the silence of space while I thought about how I could use the weapons in the future. When I finally arrived at my small hangar, I placed the CF-557 Galdeeren Repeater on a table and looked at it again. It was a small but significant find that gave me the feeling that every day in the Pyro system holds new surprises. I couldn't wait to try them out on the next adventure.
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