DCHS-03 Vehicle Management Comp-Board is the Executive Hangar key number 3 out of 7, located in the ending loot room in Checkmate. Trade will take place at my Party Hangar in Orbituary (Pyro). Edit : ramped-up prices due to ingame bugs, more difficulty ...

Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 17, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


DCHS-03 Vehicle Management Comp-Board (Executive Hangar Key 3) SOLD OUT WTS ITEM



2M UEC per unit

Sold by GINESTRO (18)


18 deals

Updated 2 months ago

DCHS-03 Vehicle Management Comp-Board is the Executive Hangar key number 3 out of 7, located in the ending loot room in Checkmate.

Trade will take place at my Party Hangar in Orbituary (Pyro).

Edit : ramped-up prices due to ingame bugs, more difficulty as players start to be competitive, other prices and how easy it is to make aUEC with other methods in the current version.

In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.

Reference: 605

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