Size: 5 Item Type: Laser Cannon Stored: Stanton Gateway Story: Four Guns and a Fast Exit Stealing in Pyro isn’t about if you’ll get caught—it’s about how fast you can run when you do. I had my eyes on a Drake Corsair, drifting near a scorched moon of ...

Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 19, 2955 — Welcome to UEX



Vehicle WeaponsGuns


250K UEC per unit

2 remaining

Sold by Treeeman (1)


1 deal

Updated 17 days ago

Size: 5
Item Type: Laser Cannon
Stored: Stanton Gateway

Story: Four Guns and a Fast Exit

Stealing in Pyro isn’t about if you’ll get caught—it’s about how fast you can run when you do.

I had my eyes on a Drake Corsair, drifting near a scorched moon of Pyro V. Wrecked, but not gutted. Unusual. Either the crew got spaced too fast to strip it down, or someone left it as bait.

Didn’t matter. I was here for the M7A laser cannons—four of them. Big, mean, and made to punch through hull plating like butter. Perfect for a heavy fighter. Or, in my case, perfect for selling to someone desperate.

I cut my thrusters, drifted in silent, and mag-locked to the hull. The weapons were still mounted, half-buried under battle scars. Amateurs. Whoever hit this ship hadn’t taken the time to unbolt the real prize.

I worked fast, hands moving quicker than my nerves. One cannon, two, three—

Radar ping.

I froze. Ship inbound.

I didn’t stick around to count the numbers. The fourth cannon came loose just as my Spirit’s alarms flared. Engines roaring, I kicked off the wreck, barely clearing the debris before laser fire lit up the Corsair’s remains.

My C1 Spirit shuddered under the strain as I pushed the throttle past sane limits, my shields sparking against glancing shots. But I was already spooling up.

Quantum drive engaged.

The stars blurred. Pyro vanished.

Four stolen M7As, a burning thruster, and a heart still pounding.

Just another job well done.

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Reference: 1028

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