Looking to rent a Vulture in 4.0 Preview? Great choice for a starting player. Make some money and get a headstart at a reasonable price. Send message for details and availability. As of 2025/01/13, landing someone else's ship into your hangar may cause t...
Looking to rent a Vulture in 4.0 Preview? Great choice for a starting player. Make some money and get a headstart at a reasonable price. Send message for details and availability.
As of 2025/01/13, landing someone else's ship into your hangar may cause the ship to instantly despawn. I may be available to help land and unload, details can be worked out over message or party chat, or you may consider unloading at surface outposts.
When you rent a vehicle, be aware that anything you create while using it belongs to the vehicle owner. You might not have the right to sell the contents you produce in all locations.
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