Looking for Artimex Lodestone armor set? Do not search any longer : For 250k aUEC I will bring your new purchase to the location you want it to. The price can be lowered when buying in batches, don't hesitate to take a look at the other of my ads. De...

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New Babbage, Sep 7, 2954


Sell Artimex White Armor Set WTS ITEM



250K UEC per unit

999 remaining

Sold by TheWanted


4 deals

Online 2 hours ago

Updated 9 days ago

Looking for Artimex Lodestone armor set? Do not search any longer :
For 250k aUEC I will bring your new purchase to the location you want it to.

The price can be lowered when buying in batches, don't hesitate to take a look at the other of my ads.

Deliveries from 18h to 24h UTC+2 in th week-end, during the week appointement can be fixed.
Transaction will take place in a secure place.

For better responsiveness contact me on Discord : r.bramard

In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.

Reference: 292

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