I am running a website similar to verseguide and want provide exploration services for the community. Also if you want to make money by exploring locations and providing details, we are always looking for explorers. Example of Exploration Services for Ju...

Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 19, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


Visual details or transportation for locations in the Verse WTS ITEM

DataPoints Of Interest


250K UEC per unit

Sold by graupunkt (1)


1 deal

Updated 3 days ago

I am running a website similar to verseguide and want provide exploration services for the community. Also if you want to make money by exploring locations and providing details, we are always looking for explorers.

Example of Exploration Services for JumpTown on Daymar (tool and details wip)
- https://starmap.space/eos.php?id=172

Payment depends on
- task/requirements
- level of difficulty
- danger level
- previous exploration service
- completion rate

My availability for services ingame are limited to the time range of 23 - 2 UTC+0.
Exploration services requires a few days until they are finished, and could take weeks if servers are in a bad state.

Communication languages:
- English
- German

Locations details will always be provided in English via website.

In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.

Reference: 1097

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