Engineering excellence only scratches the surface of the distinct Yubarev pistol. Former merc turned weapon manufacturing mogul Irina Arkadova oversaw every aspect of the weapon, imbuing it with power, practicality, and panache. Featuring a classic woodgr...


Yubarev WTS ITEM

Personal WeaponsPersonal Weapons


10K UEC per unit

11 remaining

Sold by marshal11164


Updated 22 days ago

Engineering excellence only scratches the surface of the distinct Yubarev pistol. Former merc turned weapon manufacturing mogul Irina Arkadova oversaw every aspect of the weapon, imbuing it with power, practicality, and panache. Featuring a classic woodgrain grip and cutting edge barrel design, the Yubarev fires a charged electron shot that impacts not only your target, amplifying the charge with each hit, but can spread to additional conductive targets in range. A lustrous orange coating makes the Igniter edition a colorful addition to any loadout.
Shipping costs included to any capital city or station. 1 ammunition included.

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Reference: 160

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