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Background image of Admin - HUR-L2


Admin - HUR-L2

Locations To Sell Commodities — Latest Data

Commodity Inventory In Demand SCU Price UEC Updated Datarunner
Aphorite 14% 0 152,500 7d Xerwon
Compboard 14% 0 2,250 7d Xerwon
Degnous Root 14% 0 1,319 7d Xerwon
Distilled Spirits 14% 0 566 7d Xerwon
Dolivine 14% 0 130,000 7d Xerwon
Hadanite 14% 0 275,000 7d Xerwon
Hydrogen 14% 0 133 7d Xerwon
Kopion Horn 14% 0 30,250 7d Xerwon
Marok Gem 14% 0 42,350 7d Xerwon
Medical Supplies 14% 0 1,936 7d Xerwon
Party Favors 57% 17,500 1,280 7d Xerwon
Processed Food 14% 0 178 7d Xerwon
Stims 14% 0 385 7d Xerwon
13 item(s) Export as CSV

All data is estimated and based on reports provided by our datarunners

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