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Background image of Ship Weapons - Cousin Crow's - Providence Platform - Orison


Ship Weapons - Cousin Crow's - Providence Platform - Orison

Items To Sell

Name Price UEC Updated Datarunner
Personal Weapons Attachments
LifeGuard Medical Attachment 100 6mo Aazatgrabya
OreBit Mining Attachment 100 6mo Aazatgrabya
OxyTorch Cutter Attachment 73 6mo Aazatgrabya
TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment 96 6mo Aazatgrabya
Personal Weapons Personal Weapons
A03 'Canuto' Sniper Rifle 1,700 6mo Aazatgrabya
Arrowhead 'Boneyard' Sniper Rifle 1,600 6mo Aazatgrabya
Arrowhead 'Desert Shadow' Sniper Rifle 2,500 29d Aazatgrabya
Arrowhead 'Midnight' Sniper Rifle 1,600 6mo Aazatgrabya
Arrowhead 'Stormfall' Sniper Rifle 1,600 6mo Aazatgrabya
BR-2 Shotgun 1,400 29d Aazatgrabya
C54 SMG 820 29d Aazatgrabya
Custodian 'Boneyard' SMG 780 6mo Aazatgrabya
Custodian 'Midnight' SMG 780 6mo Aazatgrabya
Custodian 'Nightstalker' SMG 780 6mo Aazatgrabya
Custodian SMG 740 29d Aazatgrabya
Demeco LMG 2,100 29d Aazatgrabya
Devastator 'Boneyard' Shotgun 1,200 29d Aazatgrabya
Devastator 'Executive Edition' Shotgun 1,500 29d Aazatgrabya
Devastator 'Midnight' Shotgun 1,200 29d Aazatgrabya
Devastator 'Nightstalker' Shotgun 1,200 29d Aazatgrabya
Devastator 'Voyager' Shotgun 1 29d Aazatgrabya
Devastator 'Warhawk' Shotgun 1,200 29d Aazatgrabya
Devastator Shotgun 1,200 29d Aazatgrabya
FS-9 LMG 2,100 29d Aazatgrabya
Karna Rifle 1,200 29d Aazatgrabya
Lumin V SMG 790 29d Aazatgrabya
P4-AR Rifle 1,300 29d Aazatgrabya
P8-SC 'Nightstalker' SMG 650 6mo Aazatgrabya
P8-SC SMG 840 29d Aazatgrabya
S71 Rifle 1,300 29d Aazatgrabya
Systems Coolers
Arctic 4,041 2mo YeiYu
Bracer 1,475 2mo YeiYu
CoolCore 5,382 2mo YeiYu
Frost-Star EX 3,536 2mo YeiYu
NightFall 5,275 28d Wellmeg7BR
Polar 2,840 28d Wellmeg7BR
SnowBlind 2,079 28d Wellmeg7BR
Thermax 1,845 2mo YeiYu
Systems Power Plants
DayBreak 3,712 2mo YeiYu
Fortitude 2,785 2mo YeiYu
Ginzel 18,593 2mo YeiYu
IonBurst 1,530 2mo YeiYu
JS-300 3,188 28d Wellmeg7BR
JS-400 8,601 28d Wellmeg7BR
Maelstrom 3,892 2mo YeiYu
Regulus 1,223 2mo YeiYu
Slipstream 3,010 28d Wellmeg7BR
SonicLite 1,588 2mo YeiYu
Systems Quantum Drives
Beacon 3,406 2mo YeiYu
Bolon 2,992 2mo YeiYu
Crossfield 5,404 2mo YeiYu
Drift 1,935 2mo YeiYu
Eos 1,413 2mo YeiYu
FoxFire 2,600 29d Aazatgrabya
Kama 9,877 2mo YeiYu
Pontes 10,000 29d Aazatgrabya
Rush 1,152 2mo YeiYu
TS-2 15,179 28d Wellmeg7BR
VK-00 7,007 28d Wellmeg7BR
Voyage 2,527 28d Wellmeg7BR
XL-1 15,373 28d Wellmeg7BR
Zephyr 4,800 28d Wellmeg7BR
Systems Shield Generators
5CA 'Akura' 8,392 2mo YeiYu
7MA 'Lorica' 4,900 28d Wellmeg7BR
AllStop 1,278 2mo YeiYu
Aspis 3,141 2mo YeiYu
Bulwark 1,516 2mo YeiYu
FR-66 2,991 28d Wellmeg7BR
FR-76 6,190 28d Wellmeg7BR
FR-86 22,118 28d Wellmeg7BR
FullStop 2,736 2mo YeiYu
Shimmer 1,624 2mo YeiYu
Stronghold 10,746 2mo YeiYu
WEB 960 2mo YeiYu
Vehicle Weapons Guns
AD4B Ballistic Gatling 3,700 29d Aazatgrabya
Attrition-2 Repeater 620 29d Aazatgrabya
FL-22 Cannon 850 29d Aazatgrabya
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