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Background image of Platinum Bay - Baijini Point


Platinum Bay - Baijini Point

Items To Buy

Name Price UEC Updated Datarunner
Personal Weapons Attachments
Cambio SRT Canister 35 4d Wellmeg7BR
Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment 320 4d Wellmeg7BR
Cambio-Lite SRT Canister 35 4d Wellmeg7BR
Personal Weapons Personal Weapons
Cambio SRT 1,190 4d Wellmeg7BR
Systems Coolers
Bracer 16,400 4d Wellmeg7BR
HeatSafe 10,650 4d Wellmeg7BR
HydroJet 52,750 4d Wellmeg7BR
IceBox 28,650 4d Wellmeg7BR
NightFall 3,600 4d Wellmeg7BR
SnowBlind 12,850 4d Wellmeg7BR
Tundra 15,750 4d Wellmeg7BR
Systems Power Plants
Centurion 120,150 4d Wellmeg7BR
Charger 12,700 4d Wellmeg7BR
Defiant 7,400 4d Wellmeg7BR
DeltaMax 15,700 4d Wellmeg7BR
Drassik 113,600 4d Wellmeg7BR
Fortitude 30,950 4d Wellmeg7BR
Fulgur 130,850 4d Wellmeg7BR
GammaMax 59,050 4d Wellmeg7BR
LightBlossom 15,450 4d Wellmeg7BR
LumaCore 6,100 4d Wellmeg7BR
Slipstream 18,600 4d Wellmeg7BR
SmartGen 109,600 4d Wellmeg7BR
SonicLite 17,650 4d Wellmeg7BR
StarHeart 4,150 4d Wellmeg7BR
Systems Quantum Drives
Goliath 14,200 4d Wellmeg7BR
Kama 109,750 4d Wellmeg7BR
LightFire 26,450 4d Wellmeg7BR
SparkFire 56,100 4d Wellmeg7BR
Voyage 15,600 4d Wellmeg7BR
Wayfare 14,100 4d Wellmeg7BR
Systems Shield Generators
6SA 'Arbiter' 11,750 4d Wellmeg7BR
7CA 'Nargun' 101,100 4d Wellmeg7BR
7SA 'Concord' 12,650 4d Wellmeg7BR
Armada 29,000 4d Wellmeg7BR
FullBlock 52,350 4d Wellmeg7BR
Guardian 19,900 4d Wellmeg7BR
SecureShield 27,700 4d Wellmeg7BR
SureStop 97,350 4d Wellmeg7BR
Utility Container
Stor*All 1 SCU Self-Storage Container 2,100 4d Wellmeg7BR
Stor*All 2 SCU Self-Storage Container 4,200 4d Wellmeg7BR
Utility Docking Collars
Norfield 11,250 4d Wellmeg7BR
RN-7s 16,650 4d Wellmeg7BR
Utility External Fuel Tanks
CR-60 78,600 4d Wellmeg7BR
GSX-RF 52,500 4d Wellmeg7BR
Utility Scraper Beams
Abrade Scraper Module 1,250 4d Wellmeg7BR
Trawler Scraper Module 1,650 4d Wellmeg7BR
47 item(s) Export as CSV

All data is estimated and based on reports provided by our datarunners

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