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Background image of Skutters - GrimHEX


Skutters - GrimHEX

Items To Sell

Name Price UEC Updated Datarunner
Armor Arms
Defiance Arms (Modified) 530 12d Aazatgrabya
Morozov-SH Arms 1,400 20d Aazatgrabya
Morozov-SH Arms Aftershock 1,400 12d Aazatgrabya
TrueDef-Pro Arms Black/Silver 170 12d Aazatgrabya
Venture Arms Dark Green 170 12d Aazatgrabya
Armor Backpacks
Arden-CL Backpack Archangel 780 20d Aazatgrabya
MacFlex 'Rucksack' Backpack 390 12d Aazatgrabya
Morozov-CH Backpack Aftershock 1,200 20d Aazatgrabya
Sinkhole Backpack 1,100 20d Aazatgrabya
Armor Helmets
CBH-3 Helmet Dark Green 480 12d Aazatgrabya
Death's Head Helmet 990 12d Aazatgrabya
Defiance Helmet (Modified) 1,800 12d Aazatgrabya
G-2 Helmet Grey 970 12d Aazatgrabya
Morozov-SH Helmet 4,200 20d Aazatgrabya
Morozov-SH Helmet Aftershock 4,200 12d Aazatgrabya
Why Not? Helmet 550 12d Aazatgrabya
Armor Legs
Morozov-SH Legs 2,300 20d Aazatgrabya
Morozov-SH Legs Aftershock 2,300 20d Aazatgrabya
ORC-MkV Legs (Modified) 490 12d Aazatgrabya
ORC-mkX Legs (Modified) 500 12d Aazatgrabya
TrueDef-Pro Legs Grey/Green 310 12d Aazatgrabya
TrueDef-Pro Legs Yellow/Grey 310 12d Aazatgrabya
Armor Torso
ADP Core (Modified) 1,900 12d Aazatgrabya
Defiance Core (Modified) 2,400 12d Aazatgrabya
MacFlex Core 'Rucksack' 530 12d Aazatgrabya
Morozov-SH Core 5,100 20d Aazatgrabya
Morozov-SH Core Aftershock 5,100 20d Aazatgrabya
ORC-mkV Core 960 12d Aazatgrabya
Venture Core Olive 530 12d Aazatgrabya
Miscellaneous Consumables
MedPen (Hemozal) 57 12d Aazatgrabya
Miscellaneous Drinks
CRUZ Flow 1 12d Aazatgrabya
CRUZ Lux 2 12d Aazatgrabya
CRUZ Pulse 1 12d Aazatgrabya
Vestal Water 1 12d Aazatgrabya
Miscellaneous Foods
Cal-O-Meal 'Vanilla' Protein Bar 1 12d Aazatgrabya
OneMeal Nutrition Bar (Grilled Steak) 1 12d Aazatgrabya
OneMeal Nutrition Bar (Roast Chicken) 1 12d Aazatgrabya
ReadyMeal (Vegetarian) 4 12d Aazatgrabya
Personal Weapons Attachments
C54 SMG Magazine (50 cap) 5 12d Aazatgrabya
FS-9 Magazine (75 cap) 6 12d Aazatgrabya
OreBit Mining Attachment 200 12d Aazatgrabya
R97 Shotgun Magazine (18 cap) 5 12d Aazatgrabya
TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment 170 12d Aazatgrabya
Personal Weapons Personal Weapons
C54 SMG 1,400 12d Aazatgrabya
Devastator Shotgun 1,200 12d Aazatgrabya
FS-9 LMG 2,100 12d Aazatgrabya
Pink QuikFlare 13 12d Aazatgrabya
Pyro RYT Multi-Tool 210 12d Aazatgrabya
Undersuits Undersuits
ForceFlex Undersuit Pink Camo 300 12d Aazatgrabya
Odyssey II Undersuit Grey/Black 300 12d Aazatgrabya
Odyssey II Undersuit Pink/Black 300 12d Aazatgrabya
Second Life Undersuit 430 12d Aazatgrabya
Stoneskin Agra Undersuit 530 12d Aazatgrabya
Stoneskin Undersuit 540 20d Aazatgrabya
Venture Undersuit Green/Black 300 12d Aazatgrabya
55 item(s) Export as CSV

All data is estimated and based on reports provided by our datarunners

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