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Distilled Spirits

Gallete Family FarmsTDD - Trade and Development Division - Area 18

Maximum Profit Possible 30,907 UEC
(554 UEC - 409 UEC) * 213.5 SCU)
Best Profit Margin 35 %
((554 UEC - 409 UEC) / 409 UEC) * 100
Expected Amount 213.5 SCU
Limited by the amount you can sell

Buy at

Terminal Gallete Family Farms, Stanton
Faction United Empire of Earth
Stock Level Average 7
SCU In Stock 781.889 SCU
Price Average 409 UEC / SCU
Loading Dock NO
Docking Port NO
Freight Elevator NO
Quantum Marker YES
Monitored Space NO
Refuel Services NO

Sell at

Terminal TDD - Trade and Development Division - Area 18, Stanton
Faction United Empire of Earth
Stock Level Average 1
SCU In Demand (Forecasted) 213.5 SCU
Price Average 554 UEC / SCU
Loading Dock NO
Docking Port NO
Freight Elevator NO
Quantum Marker YES
Monitored Space YES
Refuel Services YES

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All values are estimated. It may not reflect the situation in the game.

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