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New Babbage, Sep 19, 2954

5 routes

Item Buy at MCS Inventory SCU SCU-U Max. Investment Sell at MCS Inventory SCU-C SCU-U Max. Income
DIAM Shubin SAL-5 8 7 1K 3.8M TDD New Babbage 32 1 4K 2.1M
BERY Shubin SAL-5 8 7 500 1.1M TDD Orison 32 1 2K 1.1M
DIAM Shubin SAL-5 8 7 1K 263.9K TDD Area 18 32 1 69 34.1K
TITA Shubin SAL-5 8 7 8K 22.8K TDD Orison 32 1 63 5.5K
TITA Shubin SAL-5 8 7 8K 3.3K TDD Area 18 32 1 9 1.3K

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