Star Citizen Commodities List, Prices, Inventory, Stock, SCU, Load Simulation, Availability, Routes

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New Babbage, Sep 7, 2954


Commodities Average Index

Market Overview — September 7, 2954

Recommended Commodities

Commodity Supply Demand Profit
Name Inventory SCU SCU Users UEC Inventory SCU-C SCU Users UEC Per SCU Margin Locations
1 Recycled Material Composite 1K 446 11812* 7K 288 14824* 3012 25% 19 / 10
2 Medical Supplies 5K 439 1602 69 129 1908 306 19% 6 / 65
3 Beryl 14K 464 2268 753 2K 2572 304 13% 9 / 6
4 Scrap 11K 555 137 147 566 181 44 32% 25 / 22
5 Distilled Spirits 7K 375 435 68 221 557 121 28% 2 / 70
6 Diamond 857 255 3829 232 311 4292 463 12% 8 / 5
7 Hephaestanite 28K 510 2326 730 433 2555 229 10% 3 / 9
8 Gold 253 85 5711 201 92 6992 1281 22% 2 / 7
9 Fluorine 12K 1K 237 940 1K 289 53 22% 6 / 15
10 Astatine 2K 273 705 28 276 895 190 27% 8 / 17

Profit Per SCU (Refined Only, in UEC)

Profit Margin (Refined Only)

Supply and Demand (Tradables Only, in SCU)

Locations Trading

Top 15 Most Supplied Commodities

Top 15 Most Demanded Commodities

Base period of 30 days. All values are estimates. Demand values are calculated based on inventory status from datarunner reports.

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