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New Babbage, Sep 9, 2954

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ParaMed Medical Device

Personal Weapons » Personal Weapons



Weapon Type

Medical Device




20 hours ago

Updated By


Best Buy Price

1,250 UEC

Best Sell Price

707 UEC

Last Update


Game Version



Location Orbit Faction Buy Sell Availability Updated
Cubby Blast - Area 18 ArcCorp UEE 370 7mo
Dumper's Depot - Area 18 ArcCorp UEE 370 7mo
Tammany and Sons - Metro Center - Lorville Hurston UEE 370 4mo
Mining Center - Refinery - ARC-L2 ARC-L2 UEE 375 3mo
Cargo Center Supplies - Everus Harbor Hurston UEE 370 2mo
Cargo Center Supplies - Port Tressler MicroTech UEE 393 3mo
Covalex Shipping - Providence Platform - Orison Crusader UEE 370 3mo
Mining Center - Refinery - CRU-L1 CRU-L1 UEE 393 12d
Cocktail Bar - Makers Point Hurston Dusters 370 7mo
Cargo Center Supplies - Seraphim Station Crusader UEE 370 4mo
Cargo Center Supplies - Pyro Gateway Pyro Jump UEE 375 3mo
Frostbite MicroTech 370 2mo
Empire Hospital Pharmacy - Area 18 ArcCorp UEE 1,250 675 11d
Pharmacy - ARC-L1 ARC-L1 UEE 1,250 670 4d
Pharmacy - Maria Pure of Heart - Lorville Hurston UEE 1,250 670 4mo
Pharmacy - Orison General Hospital Crusader UEE 1,250 670 8d
Pharmacy - Baijini Point ArcCorp UEE 1,250 670 5d
Pharmacy - Everus Harbor Hurston UEE 1,250 670 2mo
Pharmacy - ARC-L2 ARC-L2 UEE 1,250 674 20h
Pharmacy - ARC-L4 ARC-L4 UEE 1,250 674 9d
Pharmacy - HUR-L2 HUR-L2 UEE 1,250 4mo
Pharmacy - HUR-L5 HUR-L5 UEE 1,250 3mo
Pharmacy - MIC-L1 MIC-L1 UEE 1,250 707 12d
Pharmacy - MIC-L2 MIC-L2 UEE 1,250 707 12d
Pharmacy - MIC-L4 MIC-L4 UEE 1,250 3mo
Pharmacy - MIC-L5 MIC-L5 UEE 1,250 670 3mo
Brentworth Pharmacy - New Babbage MicroTech UEE 1,250 670 12d
Pharmacy - Seraphim Station Crusader UEE 1,250 670 6d
Pharmacy - Pyro Gateway Pyro Jump UEE 1,250 1mo
Pharmacy - Magnus Gateway Magnus Jump UEE 1,250 670 12d
Pharmacy - GrimHEX Crusader UEE 1,310 670 12d
Pharmacy - Port Tressler MicroTech UEE 1,310 707 11d
Pharmacy - ARC-L5 ARC-L5 UEE 1,310 707 12d
Pharmacy - CRU-L1 CRU-L1 UEE 1,310 707 12d
Pharmacy - CRU-L4 CRU-L4 UEE 1,310 707 12d
Pharmacy - CRU-L5 CRU-L5 UEE 1,310 670 3mo
Pharmacy - HUR-L1 HUR-L1 UEE 1,310 706 3mo
Pharmacy - HUR-L3 HUR-L3 UEE 1,310 670 9d
Pharmacy - HUR-L4 HUR-L4 UEE 1,310 707 7d
Pharmacy - MIC-L3 MIC-L3 UEE 1,310 707 12d
Pharmacy - Terra Gateway Terra Jump UEE 1,310 674 7d
41 locations Average 1,273 584


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