Devastate at distance with the A03 sniper rifle. Masterfully designed by Gemini's Tevarin co-founder Clem, the weapon balances a stylish and ergonomic design with a powerful ballistic punch. The A03 delivers an impressive rate of fire for a sniper rifle t...


A03 Canuto WTS ITEM

Personal WeaponsPersonal Weapons


40K UEC per unit

Sold by marshal11164


Updated 11 days ago

Devastate at distance with the A03 sniper rifle. Masterfully designed by Gemini's Tevarin co-founder Clem, the weapon balances a stylish and ergonomic design with a powerful ballistic punch. The A03 delivers an impressive rate of fire for a sniper rifle that sacrifices accuracy for urgency when successive shots are required. Considering its renowned design and unique features, it's easy to see why the A03 has become a favorite of security professionals across the empire.
Shipping costs included to any capital city or station. 1 ammunition included.

In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.

Reference: 176

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