I rent out my C2 Hercules. The price includes parking it out once. You can then keep it for as long as you like (maximum 1 day). If the ship disappears due to game errors or bugs, it will not be parked out again. Ships that do not belong to you cannot be ...

Star Citizen 4.0

New Babbage, Jan 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


C2 Hercules rental WTR SERVICE



300K UEC per day

Rented by Lamar_Jenkins


Added 5 days ago

I rent out my C2 Hercules. The price includes parking it out once. You can then keep it for as long as you like (maximum 1 day). If the ship disappears due to game errors or bugs, it will not be parked out again. Ships that do not belong to you cannot be stored in your hangar.

When you rent a vehicle, be aware that anything you create while using it belongs to the vehicle owner. You might not have the right to sell the contents you produce in all locations.

Reference: 691

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