Weapon Class: Ballistic Attachment Barrel: S1 Attachment Optics: S1 Attachment Underbarrel: S1 Weapon Type: Submachine gun Effective Range: 35 m Rate of Fire: 925 rpm Magazine Size: 50 10mm rounds As reliable as a 10 milimetre bullet hose can be, this bo...

Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 18, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


C54 Scorched Smg from Ziyue extractions WTS ITEM

Personal WeaponsPersonal Weapons


100K UEC per unit

1 remaining

Sold by Ikura_Sunohara (2)


2 deals

Updated 8 days ago

Weapon Class: Ballistic
Attachment Barrel: S1
Attachment Optics: S1
Attachment Underbarrel: S1
Weapon Type: Submachine gun
Effective Range: 35 m
Rate of Fire: 925 rpm
Magazine Size: 50 10mm rounds

As reliable as a 10 milimetre bullet hose can be, this boy not only is cute, but also deadly, smack a compensator in this and it also becames a laser-precision-bullet-hose that is as deadly as fighting a corsair with an aurora.

In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.

Reference: 1329

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