FULLBLOCK SHIELD ---------------------- ️ Tipo: Militar Grado: B Tamaño: 3 ❤️ HP Total: 52,200 Regeneración: 2,880 HP/s ⏳ Retraso de Regeneración: 5s ⚡ Potencia Mínima: 2 ⚡ Potencia Máxima: 5 Máx. EM: 2,250 ❤️ Health: 1,700
Terms of Sale ✅ Delivery to your hangar: The transaction takes place directly in your personal hangar. ✅ Purchase Process:
- 1. Add me as a friend in the game - 2. I will send you a party invite - 3. We meet in your hangar, where you will make the payment - 4. I will deliver the shield in your hangar’s cargo elevator - 5. You can store it in your inventory or equip it on your ship immediately
The listed price applies to each shield individually ❓ If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.
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