-GasGiants.org- “Stranded out in The Black? Gas Giants has your back!” We’re THE premier deep-space refueling and towing service, keeping the fine folks of Stanton and Pyro in the fight, in the trade, and in the sky. Just drop a request in our Dispatch ...
-GasGiants.org- “Stranded out in The Black? Gas Giants has your back!”
We’re THE premier deep-space refueling and towing service, keeping the fine folks of Stanton and Pyro in the fight, in the trade, and in the sky. Just drop a request in our Dispatch System, and we’ll have a tanker en route faster than you can say “breaker breaker oh niner - seeking quantum lane!”
But we’re not just fueling ships—we’re fueling careers! Gas Giants is hiring Starfarer pilots, Mechanics, and Salvagers. No fancy resumes needed—just grit, a steady hand, and the will to work. Keep what you make, fly when you want, and let our Auto-Dispatch System keep the jobs rolling on YOUR time.
Join us. Or fuel up with us.
Either way… ”Why stop at star citizen? when you can be Gas Giant!”
(I’m a RPer, but you don’t have to be! We are looking for more to join our awesome community!)
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