Attachment Point: Optic Size: 3 Type: Telescopic Aim Time: +0 % The Omarof (16x Telescopic) is a size 3 16x telescopic sight manufactured by Lightning Bolt Co.. It has a max zeroing range of 2,000 meters. It is not available for purchase standalone in-...
Attachment Point: Optic Size: 3 Type: Telescopic Aim Time: +0 % The Omarof (16x Telescopic) is a size 3 16x telescopic sight manufactured by Lightning Bolt Co.. It has a max zeroing range of 2,000 meters. It is not available for purchase standalone in-game as of Alpha 3.12.0 Exchange for game currency at the "port Tressler" station
In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.
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