I speak English and French The P6-LR Sniper Rifle, a semi-automatic sniper rifle manufactured by Behring Applied Technology, boasts an effective range of 120 meters. Despite being marked as an 8-mm rifle in-game, the P6-LR utilizes .50 caliber ammunitio...

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New Babbage, Sep 7, 2954


P6-LR Sniper Rifle WTS ITEM

Personal WeaponsPersonal Weapons


74K UEC per unit

30 remaining

Sold by greg_owy


Online 2 months ago

Updated 2 months ago

I speak English and French

The P6-LR Sniper Rifle, a semi-automatic sniper rifle manufactured by Behring Applied Technology, boasts an effective range of 120 meters. Despite being marked as an 8-mm rifle in-game, the P6-LR utilizes .50 caliber ammunition. The rifle's slow rate of fire is compensated by its high-powered 8mm round, which is effective at long range

I have a great stock so pending of how many you want we can negociate a good price,

1 - Paiement First
2 - Deal in Port Tressler
3 - When we are agree on the price, we stay on it
4 - Please respect my time as i respect yours

En français je vais la faire plus courte ^^

J'ai un stock de P6-LR Sniper Rifle et je peux prendre des commandes afin de vous trouvez ce que vous souhaitez.

Le prix unitaires est fixe mais en fonction du nombre P6, je peux être arrangeant sur le prix

1 - Paiement en premier
2 - Achat se fait à Port Tressler
3 - Si on se met d'accord sur un prix on s'y tient
4 - Respecter mon temps comme je respect le votre si on prend rendez-vous

In-game items purchased from players come with no warranties or refunds. These items are subject to being wiped in new patches.

Reference: 291

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