Professional navigation and explorationen services for almost any location in the verse WTS SERVICE
100K UEC per run
1 deal
Updated 2 days ago
I have specialised in exploration and navigation. Accordingly, I have access to about around 1600 locations in StarCitizen in Alpha 4.0.
With the expertise and skills I have, it is possible to reach almost any location in the Verse in a time that should be state of the art in the community.
Possible destinations
- Planetary locations, like the UEES Flyssa (Crashed Javelin), Whistlers Crypt, Jump Town Locations and more.
- Orbital locations such as Bennyhenge (PB: below 4mins from an orbital marker)
- Places in space such as a specific band in the Aaron Halo asteroid belt for chilled mining/salvaging
- access to restricted zones(killzones) like Siege of Orison event platforms
Specific knowledge:
- various known Eastereggs such as all 9x Picoballs, Crashed Satelites, XMAS Campfire and more
- Coordinate system, orbital markers, compass, ingame simulation of planets and time, sun rise/set prediction and more
- Depending on availability, further information such as images or details about the destination
- Introduction for the Daymar Rally route and how to avoid canyons, mountains and rockgardens and assistance in route finding
Exploration services
- Visual representation on preparation of explored/unknown places
List of Locations with high interest:
Example of Exploration Services for JumpTown on Daymar (tool and details wip)
Payment depends on
- task
- level of difficulty
- danger level
My availability for services ingame are limited to the time range of 23 - 2 UTC+0.
Exploration services requires a few days until they are finished, and could take weeks if servers are in a bad state.
Available languages:
- English
- German
Reference: 1096
![]() | leerico | He is the pro in Exploring.and he develop a website himselft .its a cornnerstone of Exploration.O7 | 22d |