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Devlin Scrap and Salvage

Locations To Sell Commodities — Latest Data

Commodity Inventory In Demand SCU Price UEC Updated Datarunner
Agricium 14% 0 2,265 11h Xerwon
Altruciatoxin 14% 0 5,625 11h Xerwon
Aphorite 14% 84 152,500 11h Xerwon
Astatine 14% 0 900 11h Xerwon
Borase 14% 0 2,180 11h Xerwon
E'tam 14% 56 11,250 11h Xerwon
Fluorine 14% 0 295 11h Xerwon
Gasping Weevil Eggs 14% 0 112,500 11h Xerwon
Helium 14% 0 139 11h Xerwon
Hydrogen 14% 0 132 11h Xerwon
Maze 14% 0 90,000 11h Xerwon
Neon 14% 14 9,000 11h Xerwon
Osoian Hides 14% 0 440,000 11h Xerwon
Party Favors 57% 17,500 1,260 11h Xerwon
Recycled Material Composite 14% 0 9,555 11h Xerwon
Revenant Tree Pollen 14% 0 168 11h Xerwon
Scrap 14% 0 182 11h Xerwon
SLAM 14% 0 16,875 11h Xerwon
Titanium 14% 0 423 11h Xerwon
WiDoW 14% 0 13,612 11h Xerwon
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All data is estimated and based on reports provided by our datarunners

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