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Background image of Platinum Bay - Port Tressler


Platinum Bay - Port Tressler

Items To Buy

Name Price UEC Updated Datarunner
Personal Weapons Attachments
Cambio SRT Canister 35 2mo Zatecc
Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment 320 2mo Zatecc
Cambio-Lite SRT Canister 35 2mo Zatecc
Personal Weapons Personal Weapons
Cambio SRT 1,100 2mo Zatecc
Systems Coolers
Arctic 44,000 2mo Zatecc
Cryo-Star SL 6,300 2mo Zatecc
Frost-Star XL 110,000 2mo Zatecc
Galinstan 110,000 2mo Zatecc
Glacier 19,000 2mo Zatecc
HeatSink 22,000 2mo Zatecc
IceDive 42,000 2mo Zatecc
RapidCool 42,000 2mo Zatecc
VaporBlock 11,000 2mo Zatecc
Winter-Star EX 37,000 2mo Zatecc
Winter-Star SL 6,300 2mo Zatecc
Systems Power Plants
Centurion 120,000 2mo Zatecc
Eclipse 74,000 2mo Zatecc
MagnaBloom 16,000 2mo Zatecc
Radiance 42,000 2mo Zatecc
Regulus 13,000 2mo Zatecc
SunFlare 2,700 2mo Zatecc
TigerLilly 160,000 2mo Zatecc
WhiteRose 16,000 2mo Zatecc
Systems Quantum Drives
Beacon 37,000 2mo Zatecc
Crossfield 60,000 2mo Zatecc
Nova 43,000 2mo Zatecc
Pontes 110,000 2mo Zatecc
Siren 48,000 2mo Zatecc
SunFire 57,000 2mo Zatecc
XL-1 94,000 2mo Zatecc
Yeager 74,000 2mo Zatecc
Systems Shield Generators
ARMOR 83,000 2mo Zatecc
Bamoty 27,000 2mo Zatecc
HEX 10,000 2mo Zatecc
WEB 10,000 2mo Zatecc
Utility Container
Stor*All 1 SCU Self-Storage Container 2,100 2mo Zatecc
Stor*All 2 SCU Self-Storage Container 4,200 2mo Zatecc
Utility Docking Collars
Norfield 11,000 2mo Zatecc
RN-7s 16,000 2mo Zatecc
Utility External Fuel Tanks
CR-60 78,000 2mo Zatecc
GSX-RF 52,000 2mo Zatecc
Utility Scraper Beams
Abrade Scraper Module 1,200 2mo Zatecc
Trawler Scraper Module 1,600 2mo Zatecc
43 item(s) Export as CSV

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