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Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX


Refinery Ore Sales - Orbituary

Locations To Sell Commodities

Commodity Price UEC Details
Name Last Average Updated Datarunner
Agricium (Raw) 1,035 1,035 12h PLAYDAGAMES
Aluminum (Raw) 127 - 16d PLAYDAGAMES
Beryl (Raw) 1,147 1,147 1d PLAYDAGAMES
Bexalite (Raw) 3,323 3,323 12h PLAYDAGAMES
Corundum (Raw) 161 161 6d PLAYDAGAMES
Gold (Raw) 2,672 2,672 1d PLAYDAGAMES
Hephaestanite (Raw) 1,121 1,121 12h PLAYDAGAMES
Inert Materials 4 5 1d PLAYDAGAMES
Laranite (Raw) 1,171 - 16d PLAYDAGAMES
Quantanium (Raw) 12,145 12,145 6d PLAYDAGAMES
Raw Ice 164 164 12h PLAYDAGAMES
Riccite Ore 5,151 5,151 12h PLAYDAGAMES
Taranite (Raw) 3,969 3,969 12h PLAYDAGAMES
Tin Ore 149 149 12h PLAYDAGAMES
14 item(s) found Export as CSV

All data is estimated and based on reports provided by our datarunners

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