Details about a specific terminal

Background image of Shubin Mining Facility SAL-5


Shubin Mining Facility SAL-5

Locations To Buy Commodities — Latest Data

Commodity Inventory In Stock SCU Price UEC Updated Datarunner
Beryl 86% 500 2,231 4d PLAYDAGAMES
Chlorine 100% 5,000 130 4d PLAYDAGAMES
Diamond 100% 1,000 3,808 4d PLAYDAGAMES
Quartz 100% 5,000 293 4d PLAYDAGAMES
Titanium 100% 8,000 362 4d PLAYDAGAMES
Waste 100% 75 3 4d PLAYDAGAMES
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All data is estimated and based on reports provided by our datarunners

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