Details about a specific terminal

Star Citizen 4.0.2

New Babbage, Mar 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX

Background image of Admin - Terra Gateway


Admin - Terra Gateway

Trading Commodities in Stanton system

Owned by Rest & Relax

United Empire of Earth

Player No
Habitation Yes
Refinery Yes
Cargo Center Yes
Autoload Yes
Clinic Yes
Food Yes
Refuel Yes
Repair Yes
N.Q.A. No
Jump Point. Yes
Issues No
Load Dock Yes
Docking Yes
Elevator Yes
Hydrogen Fuel 63 UEC
Quantum Fuel 2,473 UEC
Added by Zatecc

First report by Konarr

Last update by Xerwon

Updated 12 days ago

Reference TERRA (251)

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