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Star Citizen 4.0.1

New Babbage, Feb 15, 2955 — Welcome to UEX

Item Buy at CS Inventory SCU SCU-U Investment Sell at CS Inventory SCU-C SCU-U GM ROI Tons Income
DIST Terra Gateway 8-32 7 22K 4.1K 9M Shubin SM0-10 1-24 1 22K 51 20% 22K 2M 3
DIST Checkmate 8-32 7 10K 4M Shubin SM0-10 1-24 1 10K 36% 10K 1M 2
DIST Gaslight 8-32 5 5K 2.7K 2M Shubin SM0-10 1-24 1 5K 33% 5K 642K 3
DIST Rayari Kaltag 4-16 7 100 42K Shubin SM0-10 1-24 1 100 22% 100 9K 2
DIST Deakins Research 4-16 7 100 42K Shubin SM0-10 1-24 1 100 57 22% 100 9K 2
DIST Hickes Research 4-16 7 100 42K Shubin SM0-10 1-24 1 100 57 22% 100 9K 1

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