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Trade Routes

7 possible routes

Item Buy at MCS Inv SCU SCU-U Max. Investment Sell at MCS Inv SCU-C SCU-U Distance Margin Max. Income
HYDR Shubin Mining SM0-10 8 7 12K 240.8K Everus Harbor 24 1 2K 56% 134.8K
HYDR Shubin Mining SM0-10 8 7 12K 77.4K Baijini Point 24 1 710 71% 54.7K
ASTA Shubin Mining SM0-10 8 7 3K 94.3K Rayari McGrath 8 2 135 21% 20.3K
ASTA Shubin Mining SM0-10 8 7 3K 48.3K Hickes Research 8 2 69 26% 12.6K
HYDR Shubin Mining SM0-10 8 7 12K 21.5K Pyro Gateway - 1 197 30% 6.5K
ASTA Shubin Mining SM0-10 8 7 3K 7.4K Deakins Research 8 1 11 28% 2.2K
ALUM Shubin Mining SM0-10 8 7 4K 7.4K Orison TDD 24 1 29 25% 1.8K

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