Star Citizen Commodities Info, Prices, Inventory, Stock, SCU, Load Simulation, Availability

Star Citizen 4.0

New Babbage, Jan 27, 2955 — Welcome to UEX



Best Locations to Refine

Refinery Avg Workload 1 Avg Yield 2 Last Yield
Refinement Processing - MIC-L5 6997% 12% 12% 14d
Refinement Processing - MIC-L2 10360% 9% 9% 12d
Refinement Processing - ARC-L2 23258% 2% 2% 12mo
Refinement Processing - Stanton Gateway 2272% -2% -2% 1mo
Refinement Center - Ruin Station 5627% -2% -2% 13d
Refinement Processing - HUR-L1 6152% -2% -2% 12d
Refinement Center - Orbituary 8911% -2% -2% 1mo
Refinement Center - Checkmate 11100% -2% -2% 1mo
Refinement Processing - Pyro Gateway 176% -6% -6% 3mo
Refinement Processing - CRU-L1 28437% -6% -6% 10mo

1. Average refinery workload in the last 30 days. Lower is better.
2. Average yield bonus for refining Bexalite in the last 30 days. Higher is better.

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