By Traders, For Traders

Pyro Gateway (PYROG)


Commodities prices
Commodity Buy Sell
Name Price Prev Var Min Max Best SCU Price Prev Ave Min Max Best SCU
Degnous Root 1,150 1,156 0.5% 1,155 1,188 222
Hephaestanite 2,305 2,305 - 2,305 2,305 473
Iron 313 313 - 313 319
Agricultural Supplies 124 124 - 124 124 636
Astatine 900 900 - 900 900 380
Chlorine 170 170 - 170 170
Copper 315 315 - 315 315
Distilled Spirits 555 537 3.4% 537 555
Helium 270 270 - 270 270
Hydrogen 142 142 - 142 142
Luminalia Gift 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 50,000
Medical Supplies 1,834 1,792 2.3% 1,792 1,925
Processed Food 173 173 - 173 173
Scrap 181 183 1.1% 178 184 380
Stims 379 379 - 379 379
Year of the Dog Envelope 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 50,000
Micktram Updated Apr 28, 2954 by Micktram and also Nyrulo, Takashi Toka, wanlorn, Delnorin, AltoStratus, Henrikas, EyeofSauron, silicoids, Raf-Chaos, Bolloxim, MDCommander, Capt_Erin_Wolf, JamWheel, JandJTV, Relentless1479, Cyrith
Is this useful? Buy me a space coffee by sending any aUEC amount to: Micktram
Zatecc Discovered Oct 19, 2953 by Zatecc Prospekt
Community routes leaving Pyro Gateway
Commodity Destination Location
#1 Degnous Root Seraphim Station Orison, Crusader
#2 Iron Terra Gateway
#3 Degnous Root Magnus Gateway
#4 Hephaestanite Everus Harbor Hurston
#5 Degnous Root Baijini Point ArcCorp
#6 Degnous Root Terra Gateway
#7 Hephaestanite Orison - Trade & Development Division Orison, Crusader
#8 Degnous Root Everus Harbor Hurston

All prices are estimated. This tool is a reference and it still under development with the game. It may not reflect precisely the situation in game.

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